Last night was our first high school prom-type event. Laguna Beach High School Winter Formal (2010). Schuyler went with a very nice girl, Taylor Nederlander--a tennis star and beauty. Looking at their photos, I cannot believe how big our little boy has grown. It was a late night and we got to pick them up and drive them home.
This morning, we slept in, made breakfast (chili-egg scramble), watched 30-Rock on DVR and then I read the "Other Side of Hate" from GQ to the boys. Such a powerful story. I think it's still settling on all of us.
Tennis lessons for Schuyler, Willem revived from his sleep-over and then gearing up for Sissi's baby shower for our sister-in-law, Katie and a Superbowl party for the boys at friend's homes.
Willem went to a friend's and Schuyler and I hung out at the Crank Brothers, pro mountain biker party, with a bunch of XS Lemon Blast and Beers--XS Radlers or "cyclists" in German, as they call beer and lemonade drinks.
We skipped church. It felt really good.
today nothing is
what we are about today
ex nihilo est
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