Saw an outrageous photo of an Indonesian baby (2-years-old) who supposedly smokes two packs of cigs a day and is 53 pounds--apparently they don't help him with weightloss.
Obviously, the image incites a range of emotions from anger to humor, but what struck me the most was that this kid can't get cigarettes on his own--his parent(s) have to serve him. While this is news in the USA, a very similar epidemic is also in full swing here, childhood obesity.
Young children don't buy their own food, it is served to them by their parents. We are destroying the current and future health of our children by supersizing them via the food choices we bring into our homes and deliver. As Tommy Thompson said when he was health secretary: "Obesity has become the number one preventable form of disease that leads to death, and high fructose corn syrup is the new cigarettes." [Reciting from memory.]
He gets angry if
Cigs and sugar aren't served
two-year-olds gone wild
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